About me

Since May 2022 I am a postdoc in algebraic topology at the Instituto de Matemática y Estatística (IME) of the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; my mentor is Daciberg L. Gonçalves.

I am an algebraic topologist and  my research interests include Social Choice Theory, Milnor fibration, Sectional Category, Topological Complexity, L-S Category, Borsuk-Ulam theory, Configuration Spaces, Robotics, TDA and Medical Research Topics.

I get my Ph.D. of Science in Mathematics from Universidade de São Paulo-São carlos (2022), Brazil, Master of Science degree in  Mathematics from Universidade de São Paulo-São carlos (2017), Brazil;  both under the supervision of Denise de Mattos  and B.A. in Mathematics from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2013), Perú; under the supervision of Agripino García Armas. I was a visiting research at CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico (2019-2020); under the supervision of Jesús González. 


Life is the best gift we have/La vida es el mejor regalo que tenemos.

With Agripino
With Agripino

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Lima, Perú.

March 2009 - February 2014:  I was an Undergraduate~student under the supervision of Professor Agripino Garcia Armas. My undergraduate thesis is entitled Homology of the configuration space of complex projective space (in Spanish)

With Pedro, Alice, Denise and Raimundo
With Pedro, Alice, Denise and Raimundo

University of São Paulo, campus of São Carlos (ICMC-USP), Brazil

March 2015 - February 2017:  I was a Master~student under the supervision of Professor Denise de Mattos. My master thesis is entitled Configuration spaces (in Portuguese). 

Seminario de Estudiantes CINVESTAV (2019)
Seminario de Estudiantes CINVESTAV (2019)

Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), Mexico

March 2019 - February 2020: I was a visiting researcher under the supervision of Professor Jesús González. 

University of São Paulo, campus of São Carlos (ICMC-USP), Brasil

March 2017 - February 2022: I was a PhD~student under the supervision of Professor Denise de Mattos. My PhD thesis is entitled Configuration spaces in collision-free simultaneous motion planning problem (in Portuguese).  

Cesar A. Ipanaque Zapata - Independent researcher
Todos os direitos reservados 2021
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